Purchasing insurance can seem complicated. View this glossary of common insurance terms to help make things easier.
Health Insurance Benefits: How to Get the Most from Them
Take full advantage of all your health insurance benefit coverage; you’ll get better value and be healthier.
Self-Employed Health Insurance Ontario: What You Need to Know
If you’re self-employed, private health insurance can protect your livelihood in a medical emergency, and save on taxes.
Good Questions To Ask Health Insurance Companies
There are many considerations that impact the cost and coverage of health insurance. Learn what questions to ask an agent.
Super Visa Insurance Guide for Canadians and their Parents
Find all the details about medical insurance needs for your parents or grandparents coming to Canada on a Super Visa.
How Does Private Health Insurance Work in Canada?
Is it worth it to buy private health insurance? Get details on cost factors, tax deductions, and what you get without it.
Ontario Drug Benefit Program for Seniors or Private Health Insurance?
Is it best to have the Ontario Drug Benefits program or private health insurance? We share eligibility and coverage info for Ontario seniors.